? - I have a question/ I don't understand what you mean
?4U - I have a question for you
@TEOD - At the end of the day
121 - One-to-one (Private chat initiation)
143 - I love you
14AA41 - One for all, and all for one.
1DR - I wonder
2 - Meaning "to" in SMS
20 - Meaning 'location'
2G2BT - Too good to be true
2MI - Too much information
2MOR - Tomorrow
2NITE - Tonight
4 - Short for "For" in SMS
411 - Meaning 'information'
420 - Lets get high
4COL - For crying out loud
4EAE - For ever and ever
4NR - Foreighner
^5 - High-five
6Y - Sexy
@ - At
@H - At home
+ - And
:) - Happy Face
:( - Sad Face
;) - Wink
A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
AA - As above
AAF - As a matter of fact
AAK - Asleep at Keyboard
AAMOF - As a matter of Fact
AAP - Always a pleasure
AAR - At any rate
AAS - Alive and Smiling
AATK - Always at the keyboard
ABT - About
ABT2 - About to
ADAD - Another day, another dollar
ADD - Address
ADN - Any day now
ADR - Address
AEAP - As early as possible
AFAIAA - as far as I am aware
AFPOE - A fresh pair of eyes
AH - At home
AIGHT - Alright
AIR - As I remember
AISB - As it should be
AISB - As I Said Before
AISI - As I see it
AITR - Adult in the room
AKA - Also known as
ALCON - All concerned
AMBW - All my best wishes
AML - All my love
AMOF - As a matter of fact
AOTA - All of the above
AQAP - As Quick (or Quite) as possible
ASIG - And so it goes
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASL - Age/Sex/Location
ASLA - Age/Sex/Location/Availability
ATB - All the best
ATEOTD - At the end of the day
ATM - At the moment
AWESO - Awesome
AYDY - Are you done yet?
AYEC - At your earliest convenience
AYOR - At your own risk
AYSOS - Are you stupid or something
AYS - Are you serious?
AYT - Are you there?
AYTMTB - And you're telling me this because...
B - Back
B2W - Back to work
B/F - Boyfriend
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye for now
BAG - Busting a gut
BAK - Back at keyboard
BAY - Back at ya
BB - Be back
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BBIAS - Be back in a sec
BBL - Be back later
BBN - Bye, bye now
BBS - Be back soon
BBT - Be back tomorrow
BC - Because
BC - Be cool
BCNU - Be seeing you
BCOS - Because
BD - Big deal
BEG - Big evil grin
BF - Boyfriend
BF - Best friend
BFAW - Best friend at work
BFF - Best friends forever
BFD - Big freaking deal
BFG - Big freaking grin
BFN - Bye for now
BG - Big grin
BGWM - Be gentle with me
BIF - Before I forget
BION - Believe it or not
BM - Bite me
BME - Based on my experience
BM&Y - Between me and you
BOL - Best of luck
BOOMS - Bored out of my skul
BRB - Be right back
BRD - Bored
BRT - Be right there
BT - Bite this
BTDT - Been there, done that
BTW - By the way
BYTM - Beter you than me
BEBE - Baby
C&Y - Chuckle & grin
CB - Coffee break
CD9 - Code 9, Meaning "parents are around"
CID - Consider it done
CLAB - Crying like a baby
CM - Call me
CMB - Call me back
CMIIW - Correct me if I'm Wrong
CMON - Come on
CNP - Continued (in) next post
COS - Because
CR8 - Create
CRB - Come right back
CRBT - Crying really big tears
CRS - Can't remember stuff
CSG - Chuckle, Snicker, Grin
CSL - Can't stop laughing
CT - Can't talk
CTC - Care to chat?
CTHU - Cracking the 'heck' up
CU - See you too
CULA - See you later alligator
CUL8R - See you later
CUIMD - See you in my dreams
CURLO - See you around like a donut
CWOT - Complete waste of time
CWYL - Chat with you later
CYAL8R - See you later
CYE - Check your e-mail
DA - The
DGAF - Dont give a *freak*
DGTG - Don't go there girlfriend
DHU - Dinosaur hugs (used to show support)
DIIK - Darned if I know
DIKU - Do I know you?
DILLIGAF - Do I look like I give a *freak*?
DILLIGAS - Do I look like I give a sugar?
DIS - Did I say? / (in hip-hop: short for 'disrespect')
DKDC - Don't know, don't care
DLBBB - Don't let (the) bed bugs bite
DM - Doesn't matter
DN - Down
DNT - Don't
dOOd - Dude
DQMOT - Don't quote me on this
DR - Didn't Read
DTR - Define the relationship
DTS - Don't think so
DUR - Do you remember?
DV8 - Deviate
E - Ecstacy
E1 - Everyone
E123 - Easy as one, two, three
E2EG - Ear to ear grin
EAK - Eating at keyboard
ED - Erase display
EF4T - Effort
EG - Evil grin
EMA - E-mail address
EMFBI - Excuse me for butting in
EMSG - E-mail message
ENUF - Enough
EOD - En of day
EOD - End of discussion
EOM - End of message
EVA - Ever
EVO - Evolution
EWG - Evil wicked grin (in fun, teasing)
EZY - Easy
F - Meaning Female
F2F - Face to face F2P
FBF - Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers)
FBM - Fine by me
FC - Fingers crossed
FC'NGO - For crying out loud
FICCL - Frankly I couldn't care a less
FIIK - *Freaked* if I know
FIIOOH - Forget it, I'm out of here
FIMH - Forever in my heart
FISH - First in, still here (Alcoholiks - aha-ha-ha!... Kidding!)
FITB - Fill in the blank
FOMC - Falling of my chair
FOAD - *Freak* off and die
FOMCL - Falling off my chair laughing
FRT - For real though
FTBOMH - From the bottom of my heart
FUBAR - Fouled up beyond all recognition
FW - Forward
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYEO - For your eyes only
FYA - For your amusement
FYI - For your information
G - Grin/ Giggle
G2CU - Good to see you
G2G - Got to go
G2R - Got to run
GAL - Get a life
GAS - Got a second?
GB - Goodbye
GDR - Grinning, ducking and running
GFI - Go for it
GF - Girlfriend
GFN - Gone for now
GGOH - Gotta get outa here
GIAR - Give it a rest
GMBA - Giggling my butt off
GMTA - Great minds think alike
GNSD - Good night, sweet dreams
GOI - Get over it
GOL - Giggling out loud
GR8 - Great
GRATZ - Congradulations
GRL - Girl
GTG - Got to go
GUD - Good
H8 - Hate
H8TTU - Hate to be you
HAU - How about you?
H&K - Hugs and kisses
H2CUS - Hope to see you soon
HAGN - Have a good night
HAGO - Have a good one
HAND - Have a nice day
HB - Hurry back
HBU - How about you?
HF - Have fun
HHIS - Head hanging in shame
HNL - Hole 'nother level
HOAS - Hold on a second
HRU - How are you?
HTH - Hope this helps
HV - Have
HW - Homework
I2 - I too (me too)
IAC - in any case
IAE - In any event
IANAL - I am not a lawyer
IB - I'm back
IC - I see
ICAM - I couldn't agree more
ICBW - It could be worse
ICEDI - I can't even discuss it
ICFILWU - I could fall in love with you
IDC - I don't care
IDK - I don't know
IDTS - I don't think so
IDUNNO - I don't know
IG2R - I got to run
IGHT - I got high tonight
IIRC - If I remember correctly
IK - I know
IKR - I know, right?
ILBL8 - I'll be late
ILU - I love you
ILY - I love you
IM - Instant message
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
IMO - In my opinion
IMS - I am sorry
IMSB - I am so bored
jOO - You
jOOr - Your
JAC - Just a sec
JAM - Just a minute
JFF - Just for fun
JIC - Just in case
JJA - Just joking around
JK - Just Kidding
JLMK - Just let me know
JMO - Just my opinion
JP - Just playing
JTLYK - Just to let you know
JW - Just wondering
K - Okay
KK - Knock, knock
KEWL - Cool
KEYA - I will key you later
KEYME - Key me when you get in
KFY - Kiss for you
KIA - Know it all
KISS - Keep it simple, stupid!
KIT - Keep in touch
KOC - Kiss on the cheek
KOL - Kiss on the lips
KOTC - Kiss on the cheek
KOTL - Kiss on the lips
KNIM - Know what I mean
KPC - Keeping parents clueless
L2G - Like to go? (L2G?)
L2G - (would) Love to go
L2K - Like to come
L8R - Later
LBAY - Laughing back at you
LD - Later, dude/ Long distance/ Long day
LEMENO - Let me know
LERK - Leaving easy reach of keyboard
LGH - Let's get high
LH6 - Let's have sex
LHSX - Let's have sex
LHO - Laughing head off
LIC - Like I care
LIK - Meaning Liquor
LMAO - Laughing my *a* off
LMBO - Laughing my butt off
LMIRL - Let's meet in real life
LMK - Let me know
LMNK - Leave my name out
LO - Hello
LOL - Laughing out loud
LOLH - Laughing out loud hysterically
LOLO - Lot's of love
LOTI - Laughing on the inside
LQTM - Laughing quitely to myself
LSHMBH - Laugh so hard my belly hurts
M8 - Mate
MFI - Mad for it
MIRL - Meet in real life
MKAY - Mmm, okay
MNC - Mother nature calls
MorF - Male or female
MOOS - Member of the opposite sex
MOS - Mother over shoulder
MOSS - Member of same sex
MSG - Message
MTF - More to follow
MTFBWU - May the force be with you
MWAH - Is sending a kiss
MUSM - Miss you so much
MYOB - Mind your own business
nOOb - Newbie
N1 - Nice one
N2M - Nothing too much
NADT - Not a darn thing
NALOPKT - Not a lot of people know that
NANA - Not now, no need
NBD - No big deal
NE1 - Anyone
NFM - None for me/ Not for me
NB - Remember (Nota Bene)
NFS - Not for sale
NFW - No *freaking* way
NFW - Not for work
NIFOC - Naked in front of computer
NT - Nice try
NIGI - Now I get it
NIMBY - Not in my back yard
NIROK - Not in reach of keybard
NLT - No later than
NM - Nothing Much / Never mind
NMU - Nothing much, You?
NO1 - No one
NOYB - None of your business
NP - No problem
NSA - No strings attached
NTHING - Nothing (SMS)
NVM - Never mind
NVR - Never
NW - No way
NWO - No way out
NWA - (Hip-hop; N*****s With Attitude)
O - "Hugs"
OATUS - On a totally unrelated subject
OIC - Oh, I see
OJ - Only joking
OM - Oh, my
OMDB - Over my dead body
OMG - Oh my God
OMW - On my way
ORLY - Oh really?
OTB - Off to bed
OTFL - On the floor laughing
OTOH - On the other hand
OTT - Over the top
OVA - Over
OYO - On your own
P2P - Peer to peer
P911 - Parents coming into room alert
PAW - Parents are watching
PBOOK - Phone book (e-mail)
PCM - Please call me
PDH - Pretty darn happy
PDQ - Pretty darn quick
PEEPS - People
PIC - Picture
PL8 - Plate
PLMK - Please let me know
PLS - Please
PLU - People like us
PM - Private message
PMFI - Pardon me for interrupting
PMJI - Pardon me for jumping in
POAHF - Put on a happy face
POS - Parent over shoulder
POV - Point of view
PPL - People
PROLLY - Probably
PRON - Pornography
PRT - Party
PRW - People/ Parents are watching
PSOS - Parents standing over shoulder
PTMM - Please tell me more
PWN - Own
PXT - Please explain that
PU - That Stinks
PVT/PV8 - Private
Q - Queue
QFE - Question for everyone
QIK - Quick
QL - Quit laughing
QQ - Quick question
QSL - Reply
QSO - Conversation
QT - Cutie
QTPI - Cutie pie
R8 - Rate (SMS)
RBAY - Right back at you
RIP - Rest in peace
RL - Real life
RLY - Really
RME - Rolling my eyes
RMLB - Read my lips baby
RMMM - Read my mail man
ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing
RSN - Real soon now
RTBS - Reason to be single
RTFM - Read the *freaking* manual
RTFQ - Read the *freaking* question
RU - Are you?
RUT - Are you there?
RUOK - Are you okay?
S2R - Send to receive (Meaning; send me your picture to get mine)
S2S - Sorry to say
SAL - Such a laugh
SBT - Sorry about that
SC - Stay cool
SDMB - Sweet dreams, my baby
SETE - Smiling ear-to-ear
SFAIK - So far as I know
SH - Same here
SH^ - Shut up
SHID - Slapping head in disgust
SICNR - Sorry, I could not resist
SIG2R - Sorry, I got to run
SIHTH - Stupidity is hard to take
SIMYC - Sorry I missed your call
SIS - Snickering in silence
SIT - Stay in touch
SK8 - Skate
SLAP - Sounds like a plan
SMHID - Scratching my head in disbelief
SNAFU - Situation normal all fouled up
SO - Significant other
SOAB - Son of a *B*
SOL - Sooner or later
SOMY - Sick of me yet?
SOS - Meaning Help
SOWM - Someone with me
SPK - Speak (SMS)
SRSLY - Seriously
SPST - Same place, same time
SPTO - Spoke to
SQ - Square
SRY - Sorry
SS - So sorry
SSDD - Same stuff, different day
SSIF - So stupid it's funny
SSINF - So stupid, it's not funny
ST&D - Stop texting and drive
SUM - Some
SUL - See you later
SUP - What's up?
SWAK - Sent (or Sealed) with a Kiss
SWL - Screaming with laughter
SYL - See you later
SYS - See you soon
T+ - Think positive
T:)T - Think happy thoughts
TA - Thanks a lot
TAFN - That's all for now
TAM - Tomorrow a.m. (morning)
TAU - Thinking about you
TBC - To be continued
TBD - To be determined
TBH - To be honest
TBL - Text back later
TC - Take care
TCB - Take care of business
TCOY - Take care of yourself
TDTM - Talk dirty to me
TFS - Thanks for sharing
TGIF - Thank God it's friday
THX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks in advance
TIAD - Tomorrow is another day
TIC - Tongue-In-Cheek
TILIS - Tell it like it is
TLK2UL8R - Talk to you later
TL - Too long
TMB - Text me back
TMI - Too much information
TMOT - Trust me on this
TMTH - Too much to handle
TMWFI - Take my word for it
TNT - Til next time
TOJ - Tears of Joy
TOU - Thinking of you
TPTB - The powers that be
TSNF - That's so not fair
TSTB - The sooner, the better
TTFN - Ta ta for now
TWAS - It was
TTLY - Totally
TTTT - These things take time
TU - Thank you
TWSS - That's what she said
TTYAFN - Talk to you awhile from now
TTYL - Talk to you later
TTYS - Talk to you soon
TY - Thank you
TYS - Told you so
TYT - Take your time
TYSO - Thank you so much
UCMU - You crack me up
UDM - U (You) da (The) Man
UFB - Un *freaking* believable
UFN - Until further notice
UGTBK - You've got to be kidding
UKTR - You know that's right
UL - Upload
U - You
UN4TUN8 - Unfortunate
UNBLEFBLE - Unbelievable
UNCRTN - Uncertain
UNPC - Un- (not) politically correct
UR - Your / You're / You are
UR2YS4ME - You are too wise for me
URA* - You are a star
URH - You are hot (U R Hot)
URSKTM - You are so kind to me
URTM - You are the man
URW - You are welcome
USU - Usually
UT2L - You take too long
UV - Unpleasant visual
UW - Youre welcome
VBS - Very big smile
VEG - Very evil grin
VFF - Very Freaking funny
VFM - Value for money
VGC - Very good condition
VIP - Very important person
VM - Voice mail
VN - Very nice
VRY - Very
VSC - Very soft chuckle
VSF - Very sad face
W@ - What/
W8 - Wait/ Weight
WAH - Working at home
WAJ - What a jerk
WAM - Wait a minute
WAN2 - Want to? (SMS)
WAN2TLK - Want to talk
WAS - Wait a second
WAWA - Where are we at?
WAYF - Where are you from?
WB - Welcome back
WBS - Write back soon
WBU - What about you?
WCA - Who cares anyway?