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Monday, September 17, 2012

OUR CURRENT LEADERSHIP: Are we led astray?

Are our leaders really worth following? Twitter (Socially) or anywhere else…

Lol! I have kept an eye on the Marikana issue and how leadership handled the matter. Our leaders seem to be as misinformed as the people they are leading. 

The test of leadership was failed dismally. One leader was adding fuel to fire and claiming that economic freedom is the way to go. Even freedom from apartheid government was not earned purely through bloodshed. This fight for economic freedom needs revision because it is earned through violence then violence won’t maintain it. 

If getting anything through violence like there is no other choice is a way to go then I foresee the same treatment that the apartheid government experienced in its era which includes being banned from participating in sports i.e. bafana bafana only started playing other countries after 1994 when the country was cleared. 

The lack of vision and foresight displayed is a disturbing factor. It has become very hard for me to follow a leader who lacks direction and employ the tactics of a bully. But I am afraid; it is what the country has come to at the moment. We vote for corruption, we vote for people who use us and claim to be fighting for us. 

We choose people who don’t have businesses, and are clueless about the dynamics of a successful business hence they can not diplomatically sort the issues with management and resort to strikes which often turn violent when demands are not met.
A countless number of groups have failed in business and they continue to fail because they want to have everything easy. But easy come easy go or so they say. A lot of cooperatives in the community have stopped contributing to the economy before they even start because everyone wants to be a boss and order others around. Malema and everyone else is trying to hold on to power and use it to his advantage to get jobs, tenders or even favours.

Our current leaders are doing the same, they are fighting for positions the wrong way which is through fraud, bribery, eye for an eye, tit for a tat amigo. It is never really about their capacity to do the job, it’s about the political parties and comradeship. No wonder most government departments and municipalities are under-performing or utterly incompetent. 

If a leader refuses to debate certain issues with another, it just shows that they are not willing to embarrass themselves in public. All have done that, white extremists and blacks… haven’t we all got issues in this young democracy!

Union leaders on the other hand must have given the people the idea that the company can easily afford an outrageous salary increase from 5k to 10k. They have all been with the company for a few years now and all this time they did not consider a gradual increase if seeing that the company is profitable. If companies pay penalties, they don’t draw a percentage of that from workers’ salaries hence the company has to stay afloat or risk everyone loosing their jobs.

This situation is similar to that of taxi operation that increase fares due to petrol price hikes yet they don’t drop them (fares) when the price go down. If a company is more profitable at any given, salaries can’t be skyrocketed just because it suits them at the time. Some sort of incentive or bonus should be discussed and agreed upon because people cannot settle for a lower salary the following year when the company is not performing well, possibly due to natural disasters or whatever the case may be.

However, the platinum price hit a 5 month high (read more). If this was a plot, no matter the cost it worked but we all have our own minds to make up and theories regarding this… if we are pawns then wow, isn’t it about time we dismiss a passive attitude and took on an active role?

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